The Backbone of the Ouimet Fund
Since 1955, the Bag Tag Program has been critical to The Fund’s ability to award need-based scholarships annually, and is its most important fundraising program. Thank you to all the generous supporting golf clubs across the state!
- Bag Tag Program
- Supporting Bag Tag Clubs
- Ouimet 100 Program
- Ouimet Chair Committees
- Ouimet Chair Resources
- How to Get Involved
About the Bag Tag Program
Since the inception of the Bag Tag Program in 1955, donors across the state have contributed more than $31 million to support need-based scholarships, support that has been distributed to more than 6,470 Ouimet Scholars. This tradition has been the backbone of all Ouimet fundraising programs and 100% of the Program’s proceeds go directly to scholarships. Currently, there are 75 clubs that support the Program, 29 of which have chosen to donate at a higher level and are recognized on the list as “Ouimet 100 Clubs”.
All Bag Tag supporting clubs distribute these tags in the early spring, which allows members to display them throughout the golf season as a sign of their generous support. At each club, The Fund has a key person on the staff who works closely with the Ouimet Chair and others from the club’s leadership to promote all the Ouimet programs. This is the person who will hire, train and mentor the young golf employees through college and beyond. The Fund is grateful to these supporters at each of our clubs who help to identify and realize the great potential in these young people and guide them to the scholarship.
Ouimet 100 Supporting Clubs

Supporting Clubs

Ouimet 100 Program
In an effort to continue increasing the impact The Fund has on young men and women in Massachusetts, an initiative was created to increase the cost of a Bag Tag annually until it reached $100 per Tag. The Fund is especially grateful to the various golf and country clubs listed in the Supporting Bag Tag tab, all of which have joined the Ouimet 100 Program since 2012.
These decisions are not taken lightly and The Fund is grateful to these supporting clubs, as they went above and beyond to help expand the scope and impact of the statewide Bag Tag Program.
If your club is interested in becoming part of the Ouimet 100 Program, please reach out to Jeff Murphy, Director of Events & Club Relations, to learn more about the benefits provided and impact your club can have.
Ouimet Chair Committees
For many years, the responsibility of promoting all Ouimet programs, along with promoting the scholarship opportunities to potential Scholars, fell on the shoulders of just one volunteer “Ouimet Chair” at each supporting club. These dedicated volunteers take on the responsibility of being the main point of contact for fellow members, club leadership, young employees, or parents for any questions or information regarding the Ouimet Scholarship process.
In response to increased scholarship applications and requests from individuals looking to become more involved, the Ouimet Fund has begun rolling out a program to support our Ouimet Chairs by transitioning to a “Ouimet Committee” at each club. This will not only ease the burden on the lone Ouimet Chair, but also expand the group of committed volunteers with the goal of increasing engagement and participation at each of our clubs. We would like to thank all the Ouimet Chairs and Ouimet Committees at our supporting clubs for all they do to help the young people working in the game of golf.
Ouimet Chair Portal
There are a number resources to support your efforts at the club. Please email Jeff Murphy to receive a password to access the Ouimet Chair Portal below. Thank you for your support!
Other Resources
How to Get Involved
Each year new golf clubs, both public and private, join the Ouimet Bag Tag Program so as to give back not only to the young men and women who work at their clubs, but also to the greater good of the game across the state of Massachusetts. As you hear from the more than 25,000 golfers across Massachusetts proudly displaying their Ouimet Bag Tags, the membership at your club may be interested in creating a similar impact.
There are several ways clubs join the Bag Tag Program, and Ouimet Staff would be happy to discuss with you. To begin the discussion, please reach out to Jeff Murphy, Director of Events & Club Relations.